Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm A Scatterbrain Today

My morning ritual is waking the kids up at 6:30am and then hop on the scale. I got on that scale today and realized I have lost four pounds since last Saturday. It encourages me more than ever to stay on this diet. I called my husband and told him the great news. He says he wishes he could lose weight too. So I then said I'll put him on the same diet I'm on. You have to understand that my husband is a steak and potato kind of guy. His idea of breakfast is eggs, fried potatoes smothered with gravy, sausage or bacon, and toast. My idea of breakfast is a yogurt. It is a real sacrafice to give up some of the great foods. But, my plan is to lose all the weight and then just eat a little of the things I like. My husband wants me to buy one of those heavybags that hang from the ceiling or a tree if you prefer to work out outside. He wants me to kick this bag around and lose weight from this...personally if I want beat something I'll just beat on him. There's consequences to this (him torquing my arms or fingers) but it's great fun.

Today the four year old I'm watching came over around 7:30am. Usually he is still sleeping when he comes, but now that is much later in the morning he is fully awake and screaming. He is having seperation issues which I'm sure is normal. But today after his dad left he started hitting my two year old anytime he got close to him. I put him in the corner for a few minutes and he soon figured out that we don't act this way. I tried yesterday to work with flashcards and a workbook that I bought for him. He wanted nothing to do with this. I fear when he gets into kindergarden he will be behind everyone else. I think whoever babysat this child before sat him in front of the television all day because that is the only thing he really likes to do.

A very very good friend of mine called today telling me about the events of one of her childeren not being able to make up a test while being absent. Now mind you this child has been an all "A" student for the good part of the year, with the exception of a "B" in another class. My friend's son has been sick for the last couple of weeks and has been in out of class. The teacher supposedly gave him this paper what assignments he needed to make up. The problem is the child never got the note and somehow saw the note in the trash. Now she's not letting him make up the test. My first question is why if he is a straight "A" student would he not want to make up a test and throw this piece of paper away? My second question is don't the teachers want the children to excell and strive to be better students? I could write two or three blogs about why I don't agree with public schools, but I don't have the time right now. So now my friend is going to the principal to have a conference which I hope goes well.

Something completely off the wall...why is it do we drink an animal's milk? Why cows milk? What makes that so special? Is there a real reason why after we are done being nursed from our mothers that we go and drink from a cow? Does this make sense to anyone?

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