Tuesday, March 17, 2009


A friend of mine asked me to help him out with holding some chickens yesterday so he and his friend could determine which ones go to the slaughter house. I call it the slaughter house but in reality it's just an area between the two chicken houses. I thought since his wife and kids are away and he had so many chicken that me and the kids could go help him out. It was actually quite interesting. I didn't mind the holding part. But then it came time to "whack" them. Now I think there is a humane way to kill a chicken and an inhumane way to kill a chicken. Of course him being a man and all, he thinks that hitting chickens with a PVC pipe or a golf club is OK. I didn't have any part in killing the chicken. However, I did help him clean his chickens. Hey I felt sorry for the man. I thought that he would be there for hours if I didn't help. It was no different to me then skinning a chicken in the store. The only difference is these chickens are warm and still have intestines. I had some pictures taken to prove that I actually took part in this gory act.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I just had to write this down tonight...I have the greatest friends. When I was in high shcool I a really great set of friends that I went to church with. We hung out all the time. But when I joined the Navy I lost touch with all those friends. I made some new ones at my duty station, but I didn't really fit in with most. The girls were either single with no kids or married, in their 30's with kids. Here I was just 19 and felt like I didn't belong. I am so glad that I moved to this small town. The church that I belong to has the most amazing people in it. I want to just say thank you for all that you do for me. Thank you for all of the laughs. And last but not least, thanks for accepting me even when I get thrown on the floor several times. I really hope one day I can return the favor without taking ten minutes to do it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hello...Get a Job!

I can't figure out how some people CHOOSE to live a certain way and then complain how they don't have the money for things that they NEED. Why when they have a large sum of money use it to buy video games or cell phones for the whole family and pay for unlimited texting. That texting thing drives me crazy. I mean I like to text every once in a while, but come on...when you are in the same room as somebody that you can speak to, there's no need to text. It drives me crazy. But as I was saying earlier, I can't figure out how people complain they don't get enough food stamps from the government or not enough disability and yet find the money to buy that newest video game system. And what is with this generation of people that are over the age of 18 and still live with their parents? When I turned 18, I couldn't wait to get out on my own. Now I think going to college and living with your parents to save some money is ok. But if you are 22 and live with your parents and don't work? Come on! My son is going to be 20 when he graduates from high school, but he still has no plans for his future. Honestly, if he would actually try and bring his grades up, he could attend community college. He could get a job and buy a cheap car. I know this one family where the 21 year old kid is the only one in the house that is working. The family lives on disability and child support. Hmmm. Makes you wonder sometimes.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Well, I haven't written in awhile mainly because I refuse to damper anyone's spirits by reading the negativity that I have to write. My husband has been home for a few weeks now waiting to go to the corrections academy to train to be a correctional officer. I know that I am not patient and I know I can be irritating, but sometimes I just have a limit. I feel that since my husband is home he should do some of the chores around the house. Now to be fair, he did vacuum the living room and dining room and washed the windows ONCE. I feel that he should ask me if I need help. Instead, the tv is on or the computer game is on. I really don't mind him watching tv or playing on the computer in moderation. I do those things too. But I seem to be the only one who does the majority of the cleaning. I just wish I could have a little support. When I clean, like the tv off and the radio on. I have always liked it that way. But somehow when I am in the middle of vacuuming, everyone finds there way in front of the tv. I have put an ad in the paper to babysit, but I just don't know if I can keep this house clean. Believe it or not, I do have my kids do chores. But when they are at school how hard would it be for him to just give me a little break and do a bit of the dishes or wash a load of laundry?